Birthday, holiday, background by Oleksandr_Yatsenko

"Videophone: Festive atmosphere for a special day! 明亮的颜色, festive graphics and emotional background, perfect for greetings and creating a festive mood."
It contains 10 stunning 3D animated animals, 包括一头猪, 瓢虫, 一只蜘蛛, 一只河马, 水母, 一条鲨鱼, 一头大象, 一条蛇, 一只蜜蜂, 还有一条河豚
10 stunning 3D animated animals, 包括一只羊驼, 一只熊, 一只骆驼, 一只猫, 一只鸡, 一头牛, 一只狗, 一只海豚, 一个火烈鸟, 还有一只狐狸.

Stock 视频模板

Stock video is also known as video footage or b-roll. 它是用于插入视频制作的视频内容片段、剪辑或镜头. The stock video is not created specifically for said production, 而是作为一个单独的作品,可以从其他项目或存档照片中摘录.

今天, 视频素材的创作几乎只有一个目的——把许可卖给其他创作者,让他们在更大的制作中使用. 这就是为什么作者提供的视频模板具有更通用的视角,以适应不同的风格. This is what’s called footage videos.

On the Template怪物 marketplace, we offer a whole lot of stock videos suited for different purposes. The templates are delivered by reliable and professional creators, so you can be sure of the product quality.

股票视频 Footage: Why to Use?

当你需要活跃你的视频项目时,不管它的类型和目的是什么,库存视频都很方便. 在项目中使用视频素材是一个好主意,至少有以下几个原因.

  1. 这样可以节省时间. Without a doubt, creating a movie requires much time to spend. But if you are to create short clips presenting your company’s services, you may want to take a shortcut. 在TM市场上展示的视频模板之一将提供高质量的镜头, so creating a video clip will not take you eternity 搜索ing for actors, 位置, 设备, 和运营商.
  2. 这是一个省钱的方法. 库存视频不仅可以节省你很多时间,还可以节省你的预算. Hiring video professionals and actors adds to your spendings. If you are on a tight budget, stock video is your lifeline.
  3. It is your killer storyteller. 使用库存视频可以让您构建您的生产,弥合差距,并保持质量. Because the range of the available clips is huge, including panoramic shots, 极端的靠近, 或者广角镜头, you can pick the appropriate footage to tell your story better.

Footage Videos: Use Cases

Stock video use cases vary from short slips to large movie productions. Let’s take a closer look at the various applications.

  • 库存素材经常被用于整合到新闻节目或电视和电影中. 新闻 programs sometimes leverage footage from their libraries, 而电视和电影有前几部的镜头,并再次利用它. This approach keeps production costs down.
  • Stock footage clips are popular in 男人。y broadcast shows, acting as the establishing shots of a certain 城市.
  • 许多广告, including political or issue-oriented, also tend to use stock footage in their video content.
  • When it comes to documentaries, stock video plays a significant role, allowing filmmakers to tell the story of historical events, document modern under水 archaeology activities, or complete content of natural history documentaries.
  • Stock video is also known for its popularity among corporate players. 世界各地的公司都喜欢在内部会议上使用库存镜头, 约定, 研讨会, and other corporate events.


How to shoot stock video?

在你开始拍摄你的第一个股票视频之前,决定你想要工作的利基市场. 当涉及到实际拍摄时,思考每一个镜头以及它所传达的思想. 即使你提供高清下载,也要确保你拍摄的是4K——客户更喜欢高分辨率的素材. 在自然光下开始拍摄,然后使用一流的照明工具进行夜间拍摄. Avoid any processing other than basic fixes. 和, 最后, 考虑包括人物和从各种角度拍摄,使镜头更加生动.

How to sell stock video online?

首先, 您需要创建一个广泛的库存视频组合,以满足更广泛的商业受众的需求, as you never really know what your clients are 搜索ing for. 用你的视频素材进入市场也需要你在创建股票视频时像客户一样思考, update your stock video library regularly, and stick to the hot visual topics. The popular categories include emotions, 体系结构, backgrounds and abstract, 业务, 健康生活, 房地产, 和人民.

Where to sell stock video?

There are a plethora of platforms that allow selling stock video online. 它们包括Getty和iStock, Shutterstock, Vimeo, VideoHive和Template怪物市场.

Where to get stock video footage?

You are welcome to navigate through the Template怪物 marketplace, 我们在哪里做了所有的艰苦工作,并把成千上万的高质量的数字产品放在一起. In addition to vector graphics, 图标, 字体, 插件, 网站主题, you can also get access to stock assets, 像视频. Filter them by settings to find the appropriate template.

Where to find free video stock?

有很多网站, including Motion Array and other marketplaces, that offer stock videos free of charge. 导航到任何常用的搜索引擎,并在搜索行中输入“免费股票视频”或“免费视频素材”,以获得多个选项可供选择.

5 Best Stock 视频模板

  1. Leaving Everything and Walking Away is a Steadicam shot showing a 女人 who’s dropped everything and gone away. 对于戏剧电影来说,这将是一个很好的解决方案,可以突出角色的情感.
  2. Lounge with Passengers 多利拍摄的是人们在伏努科沃机场候机时走路或放松的样子吗.
  3. Daily Driving in Winter 城市 讲了一个小故事,一个人在外面下雪的时候开车,路上很乱.
  4. Mother and Son Playing Game 这是一个关于妈妈如何在旅途中与孩子共度时光的情感和善良的股票视频吗.
  5. Viewers in Dark Cinema Hall shot shows 人 sitting in the cinema and looking at the blank screen. The video footage could work as an intro to a movie or so.